Pantomime Dames


 It’s Behind You!




Christmas and Panto. So British, so wonderful. 



Just try and explain Pantomime to anyone else but the British

and they look at you bemused.




When I was and actress, Christmas always meant Panto.

Fabulous costumes, funny comedians, two sets of children,

dust from the flies and a good bout of influenza during the run.


I loved the actors that played Dames and had worked

with them in other plays, mostly comedy.




Each Dame has her own particular make-up, like clowns,

so I wanted to make a visual catalogue for posterity. 


These very large oil paintings are part

of a series exhibited at the

Victoria & Albert Museum,

where many of the living Dames attended.



Here is just a small collection.



Smile, laugh and be happy!


They are all oil on canvas and

approx 750mm x 900mm.





Ugly sisiters pantomime
Christ Biggings Mother Goose Pantomime Dames
Ugly sister Brian Godfrey baby spice
pantomime Dame David Morton Sporty Spice
Pantomime Dame Terry Scott
Danny la Rue Wicked Stepmother Pantomime
Pantomime Dame Les Dawson Bertha the cook

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