Wiltshire Landscapes







I live amongst some of the most

beautiful landscapes of England.

Ancient pasture and plains that

echo our ancestors and radiate

peacefulness and mystery.

I walk amongst these areas of

outstanding natural beauty

and take in the vistas

and atmosphere

of stunning panoramic


If that were not all,

there are Neolithic

and pagan sites that

emanate the magic of

their monuments,

all wrapped within the comforting

Wiltshire Downs.

I use many techniques

and mix varieties of mediums

to build up these images.

The mixed media painting

has a base

of heavy watercolour paper

with combinations of print,

collage, ink and watercolour applied in layers.

Apart from the original art work

signed Editions of 100 are available.


Original price: POA

Giclée prints are signed

in Edition of 100.

Image size is aprox

630mm x 390mm

24” x 15”

Price £195 plus p&p





Please Click on images 

for more information

or to buy.


Please click HERE to see

page 2 of ‘Wiltshire Landscapes’

with four more  paintings.


Click HERE for full “Wiltshire Landscapes “Gallery.


silvery hill wiltshire landscapes poppies summer pagan
moon goddess hill wiltshire landscapes night moon wicca mystical esoteric
one tree rabley wiltshire landscape spring field
tree of life mystical esoteric wiltshire landscape moon wicca essoteric pagan

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